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10 Ways to Show Your Website Some Love

Your website is often the first impression potential clients have of your business. It should be inviting, informative, and engaging. But in the hustle and bustle of running a business, it can be easy to forget to show your website some love.

So take a minute to review 10 ways you can give your website a little TLC that will go a long way in setting you up for success.

1. New Content

One of the most important ways you can show your site some love is by regularly adding new content. This tells search engines that your site is active and relevant, which will improve its ranking and visibility. And fresh content also keeps users engaged and coming back for more!

2. Remove Out of Date Content

Conversely, outdated content does nothing but hurt credibility; make sure any info shared is current and accurate otherwise users may think twice about trusting what else appears onsite too (especially if there are discrepancies between different resources).

3. High Quality Images

Images speak louder than words when it comes to grabbing attention online so make sure you’re using high-quality images on every page of your website. Most solopreneurs start out with stock photography but creating custom imagery (photographs and/or graphics) can elevate brand awareness.

4. User Friendly

Your website should be easy to navigate so that visitors can quickly find what they need without becoming frustrated or confused. Make sure the links are working properly, menus are intuitively organised, and text is easily readable on all devices (more on this below).

Top tip: Get someone else to review your website periodically. A set of fresh eyes, can often pick up roadblocks faster than those who are familiar with a website.

5. Broken Links

Nothing frustrates visitors more than clicking on a link only to find out that it doesn’t work! Make sure all internal/external links are functioning properly otherwise visitors could get lost trying to navigate around the site—or worse yet just leave altogether without ever converting into customers!

Top tip: Many SEO software companies offer free link checker tools including: - Ahrefs | Dr Link Checker

6. Check Forms

Forms are great tools for collecting user data but only if they actually work properly! Test forms regularly and double check validation errors that may pop up during submissions otherwise valuable leads could slip through unnoticed due to technical issues beyond their control

7. Mobile Friendly

When optimising for mobile devices, keep in mind that small screens require big type and limited menus. If users have difficulty navigating on their phones or tablets, they’ll likely take their business elsewhere.

8. Optimise For Search

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) helps get your website seen by more people who are searching for businesses like yours. This means adding keywords into headings, content, URLs and titles as well as making sure images are optimised with ALT tags so search engines can “see” them too!

9. Security

Keeping your website secure is one of the most important things you can do to ensure its longevity—and protect yourself from cyber threats like malware and phishing attacks. SSL certificates encrypt data sent between websites and browsers so users know their information is safe when visiting or purchasing from your site.

10. Analyse Data

Analysing data about who visits your site (where they come from, what pages they visit etc.) will help you understand who’s viewing/engaging with it so you can adjust accordingly if needed (e.g. targeting certain areas with ads). You can also track how much time someone spends on each page to see where changes need to be made in order to keep visitors engaged longer—which should lead to higher conversions!

11. Share the Love - Promote Your Website

Once you have an amazing website set up, don’t forget to promote it! Make sure everyone knows where they can find out more information about you by adding links on social media profiles and other sites where people might look for solutions related to what you offer.

Long-Term Love

Your website will be one of the hardest working assets in your marketing toolkit. Showing it some love doesn't need a lot of effort but it will flourish with regular attention.

Keeping a website up to date goes a long way towards helping build trust with potential customers and keeping them engaged longer with interesting content and visuals while at the same time maintaining its security and functionality across multiple platforms/devices/browsers etc.

Plus you're more like to enjoy increased traffic thanks to improved rankings and better engagement rates overall!

By taking these 10 steps outlined above regularly (at least once every 6 months), any solopreneur looking after her own digital presence should easily be able stay ahead of any issues that arise.

Worried your website isn't converting well?

Your website is a crucial part of your marketing strategy, that's why as part of my 1:1 marketing strategy packages I carry out a website audit. Reviewing your website in the wider context of your marketing strategy helps identify opportunities for driving more people to your site and turning them into clients. For more info, book a Free 30min Chat.


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