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5-Minute Marketing Actions When You Don’t Have Much Time

Are you feeling snowed under at the moment? Believe me, I get it.

Balancing your business with personal commitments can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle.

But here's the good news: you don’t always need hours to make an impact. Sometimes, just five minutes can keep your marketing engine running smoothly. So grab a cuppa, and let’s dive into 10 quick actions you can take even on your busiest days.

1. Update A Social Media Bio

When was the last time you refreshed your social media bios? A fresh bio can catch new eyes and show off your expertise in a snap. Think of it as giving your online persona a mini-makeover. Highlight any recent achievements or services, and don't forget to add a touch of personality!

2. Share a Client Testimonial

Why not let your satisfied clients do the talking for you? Sharing a glowing testimonial takes just a few minutes but offers social proof that can build trust (without using that word) faster than anything else.

Find that email or message where your client raved about your work and pop it onto your social media or website.

3. Respond to Comments or Messages

Engagement is important! Take five minutes to reply to comments on your posts or messages in your inbox. It shows you’re active and attentive, building stronger relationships with your audience one response at a time.

4. Review Analytics

A quick glance at your analytics can offer valuable insights into what's working and what isn’t. Whether it's Google Analytics for your website or insights from social media platforms, understanding these numbers helps you make informed decisions going forward.

5. Join a Relevant Group or Forum

Find groups or forums where your ideal clients hang out and join the conversation. Offering advice or sharing resources can position you as an expert in the field without feeling too pushy.

6. Send a Thank-You Note to a Client

Personal touches go a long way in building lasting relationships. Sending a quick thank-you note—whether via email or snail mail—can brighten someone’s day and reinforce their positive feelings about working with you.

7. Create a Quick Poll or Survey

Want to know what’s on your audience's mind? Create a quick poll or survey using tools like SurveyMonkey or even Instagram Stories' poll feature. It's an easy way to gather insights and engage with your community.


Reusing existing content is not only a great time saver but helps in repeating your most important messages.

8. Reshare a social media post

Social media posts have such short life-spans on their platforms but have you considered repurposing into an email? Even if your subscribers

9. Remember your opt-ins

When was the last time you talked about your lead magnet? A quick post on social media could get some new people on your list.

10. Hidden Gems

Speaking of opt-ins, what new pieces of content have you got hidden in your digital treasure trove.

Maybe a slideshow presentation that you can share as a pdf?

Or a webinar recording that you can upload to YouTube and your blog?

Or did you write a really great blog post but forgot to share it more than once?

Have a dig and see what you can find.

Get going!

So there you have it—10 quick marketing actions that take no more than five minutes each but pack a punch! Try implementing one of these actions today and see how it feels.

If you're wanting more personalised strategies tailored just for you, let's chat about creating a marketing plan that showcases your unique expertise and frees up time for what you love most.

Remember, even small steps can lead to big changes over time. Keep moving forward—you've got this!


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